Trailer: Introducing The Twelvelms Conspiracy

Hi, show creator Eira here, to tell you all about a brand new show coming 2024, which I’d love for you to support through IndieGoGo.

Nestled in the hills and trees of the North of England is a tiny town, invisible to passing hikers and planes flying overhead. Twelvelms is part of a secret world just out of sight of the one we all live in; a dangerous magical world full of curses and spells beyond our imagination, and hidden histories which loop and twist like the knotted roots of ancient trees. This is the world of the mages, people who can use magic to perform wondrous acts of power and majesty, and for hundreds of years, they’ve lived in secret on the fringes of our society. Twelvelms is a university town, sprung up around an ancient institution which for over a millennium has moulded the minds of the future of magedom. In a brand new immersive audio drama podcast, three new scholars of Twelvelms University will face the trials and tribulations of young adulthood and navigate the murky waters of campus life. But there is more to Twelvelms’ hallowed halls than prestige and learning. It’s the centre of a rotten conspiracy runs deep into the roots of magical society, and there’s only a matter time before the decay will spread into everything they know.

The show will be a full cast production written and produced by me. I’m the driving force behind Spirit Box Radio, Not Quite Dead and Clockwork Bird, with multiple awards and nominations, hundreds of thousands of listens and hundreds of hours of experience making podcasts. Season One will be at least ten, hour-long episodes, and will be the first of four planned series. The story will be supplemented by dozens of pages detailing the world’s minutiae and peculiarities, all entirely optional content which simply expands on the story, without being necessary to understand what’s going on.

With rewards on offer including a prospectus for Twelvelms University which is jam-packed with detail and world-building, an immersive journalling experience which will provide you with a journalling activity once a month for entire year, welcome boxes filled to the brim with Twelvelms goodies, and a lite RPG discord server run by the creator of the show, there’s something for everyone. The campaign has also built carbon off-setting into the production budget, so you know we care about the planet as well as the podcast!

You can be a part of bringing this magical world to life by supporting the show on IndieGoGo! Just search the Twelvelms Conspiracy on IndieGoGo, or go to to find out more about the show and the world. Thats t-w-e-l-v-e-l-m-s dot com! Or just follow the links in the description. Become a part of the mayhem, mischief, madness and magic of the Twelvelms Conspiracy today.